It is with great pleasure that we are announcing our newly updated Airline Pilot Salary information section! Our new pilot salary information section provides the latest pilot pay scales for over 72 U.S. based and three foreign based carriers. We hope to add more airlines, especially foreign based Non-U.S. carriers, in the near future.
We have now automated our entire pay scale information resource. Now pilots can make small or large changes or additions to our pay scale pages simply through the use of our easy to use pay update forms that correspond to each airlines link found at: To make additions or changes to an airlines pay information simply click the “Edit This Pay Rate Data” link in the upper right corner of each airlines pilot salary page. No longer will it take days or even weeks for pay scales to be updated. Now updates will usually be made within minutes after being accepted by administrators!
Another new feature we have added is the ability to graph and compare pay rates for multiple airlines or multiple positions. You can also right click on these graphs to save them as jpeg images or print on your personal printer. We are sure this new graphing feature will be a valuable tool for pilots and union negotiators.
If you have updated pilot pay scale information please click the corresponding airlines link in our Pilot Salaries section. If you have a new airline to submit please click here.