oct 06/05 gouge is very accurate. Get the call ,8am show, paperwork collected, make sure all certs are photocopied, ndr request notarized etc...technical part very straight forward, line flight scenario, release and charts review, know weather requirements, 121 regs, departure procedures, alt reqs, company history, vor limits, chart symbology, this is the profile you will fly, so study it all thoroughly. Next interview with terry and spike or lamaar, straigh forward, be yourself, be descriptive, practice answers about experiences on the line, before you get in there. Times you have had encounters with irate customers...emergencies, etc. Why horizon, can you make the class date...very mellow. Next drug testing and fingerprinting, easy enough, then joanne h.r. q's, empl history, work experiences and reasons for leaving etc. Straight forward....relaxed interview. Great company, good people, didnt get a chance to sim, must've had good competition...didnt get any feedback either. Good luck to you!!!