New interview style, no sim. Positive space you to/from Denver, show up at training center in Denver, get vistor's badge. (You can get it the day before if you want to just get it out of the way.) Walk in meet Doris, she will have you sit down and go over your Airline Apps printout and make any changes. Despite being printed out the day of my interview, it was filled with data from the day I got the notification for my interview, so keep it up to date and show up with a printout of your final revisions to it! Review your times and leave logbooks with her. Sit in waiting area with other candidates, some may have just completed their interview so they can give you the quick and dirty gouge of what they just went through. Mine started with the Tech interview. Sit down with a Captain in one of the sim briefing rooms or the interview room and choose one flight out of four choices. They'll put up NOTAMs, WX and forecasts, just run through it like you would a normal flight at your previous employer. The profiles will be put up blank on the screen for the appropriate times, and you just basically chair fly the whole flight. He had me brief the takeoff as I would at my current company and use the iPad with Jeppesen apps. Some ATC procedural situations will be displayed, just tell them what you would do (should be no problem if you've been flying in the US ATC system for awhile, i.e. understanding RNAV/VNAV departures and arrivals.) You get to choose a scenario (one out of four), run through the QRH on the iPad. More ATC procedural situations during the descent phase, brief the approach, go missed, run through the profiles as appropriate. Airport is closed due to some reason, come up with options, discuss with the Captain (who plays the role of new FO), talk to everybody you need to talk to (basic Captain stuff) and that concludes the "chair flying" segment. Then you get to choose one out of four CRM scenarios. Watch a video of something scary happening in the cockpit, discuss what they did, tell what you thought about the situation, discuss some options that you may have done, that will conclude the Tech portion of the interview. You'll go back to the waiting area and wait for the HR panel. You will sit down with a United HR person and a Captain. The first question was: tell us about your career from the start until now. Then they do the five, let's see who you really are, questions. They'll brief how they want you to answer as they take notes in the order of (1) Situation/Task (2) Action/what you did (3) Response/what you learned. So if you want to practice answering questions in that order so you're used to it, it'll make your life a lot easier. The questions they asked me were completely unexpected, that's probably the best game in my opinion, expect the unexpected. You'll have time to think about what story you want to share, given the pressure of the situation, you really have no choice but to be honest and sincere. I answered only two of the questions with aviation/airline related responses, the others I pulled from stories of my life and other jobs I've had in the past. They then conclude the interview with "Why do you want to work for United Airlines?" You're completely fried at this point so just do the best you can. They give you a thank you letter from Bill Kennedy and will tell you, should you get hired, when to expect a class date. I was done with the whole process 30 minutes before the scheduled end time, which was nice because my flight back home was 2 hours after scheduled interview end. They do the interview boards the next Wednesday, so expect a call first thing in the morning the day after (Thursday). You'll get an e-mail the next Tuesday saying they're removing you from the interview list (don't freak out), they just do that because you have already interviewed. The whole process was pretty straightforward, I did not do any interview prep courses or sim preparation. Good luck to those out there that get the call! |