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Air Canada Pilot Interview Profiles

Date Interviewed: June 2000
Summary of Qualifications: NA
Were you offered the job? Don't Know
Pilot Interview Profile:

The interview was conductedby a panel of three pilots. The atmosphere was relaxed and I found all threegentlemen to be very friendly. After handing them my logbook and resume packageI was seated and offered a glass of water. The interview lasted no more than45 minutes during which time I was asked a number of questions by each of thethree panel members. None of the question were difficult and it was explainedto me at the beginning that the questions are intended to get you talking aboutyourself. They are not looking for correct or incorrect responses, buzz words,or key phrases. They just want you to be yourself and answer the questions openlyand honestly. Some of the questions they asked me were:
Tell us about your flyingcareer.
Describe your most significant flight.
Have you ever had any accidents/incidents/violations?
Have you ever failed a checkride?
Why do you want to work for Air Canada?
What is the role of the Captain?
Why should Air Canada hire you?
What is your least desirable quality?
What would your wife/girlfriend say about you?
What are some of your strongpoints?
Are you willing to relocate?

They also asked me a number of questions about specific entries in my log book.At the end of the interview I was given a chance to ask a few questions. Weshook hands and I was on my way. All in all I felt very relaxed and found allthree of them to be nice fellows that I would like to fly with.


Air Canada is using theCanadian 737 sim for evaluations because the DC-9 sim is presently heavily bookedfor other training. There are currently 12 candidates per week being evaluated.I assume this also means that they are interviewing just as many though I wasn’table to confirm this. I was told however that the company is trying to buildup a pool of screened pilots. This would make sense given that they are runningcourses of 14 to 18 new hires per month. The sim profile is the sameone that they have used in the past on the DC-9 and 727. The only differencebeing the cockpit and some of the speeds. Prior to the evaluation you a givena brief package to review which details the sim profile to be flown and allthe various speeds and basic procedures required to fly the 737. The sim guysare retired pilots who are very pleasant and seem to want help you succeed.Your copilot will complete all checks for you as you call for them and willalso give you little hints if you forget something.

The profile is as follows:
T/O runway 06R at Pearson
Climb runway heading to 4000’
30 degree bank turns to warm up
Climb to 8000’
45 degree bank turns
Cleared to hold at Juliet beacon 3000’ inbound the 057R
After holding cleared full proc NDB 06R
Overshoot runway heading to 3000’
Vectors for the ILS 06R full stop.
Flaps 1, bugs set to V1,Vr, V2, and V3 (flap retract). Copilot will brief bug speeds. Advance powerto 1.90 EPR. CP will call speeds "100 kts, V1, rotate". At V1 hand comes offthrottles and goes to yoke. At Vr rotate to 15 degrees pitch up. Initial speedis V2 + 15 to 25. CP "positive rate" P "gear up". Through 700’ AGL lower noseto 10 degrees and allow speed to increase. Through 190 kts call "flaps up, AfterTake-off Check". Continue to accelerate to 250 kts. Through 1500’ call "setclimb thrust". CP will call 1000’ to go altitudes ie: "3000 for 4000". Leveloff at 4000’ pull power back to 1.23 EPR.
Flown at 200 kts with flapsset at 1. Prior to entering the hold reduce speed from 250 to 200 kts and callfor Flaps 1 through about 220 kts. Pay attention to speed limits.
Full Procedure NDB Approach
Maintain 200 kts with Flaps1 while transitioning to approach. Outbound the procedure turn call for Flaps5 and reduce to 170 kts. Once established on the inbound course and 2 to 3 NMfrom the FAF call "gear down, Flaps 15, Landing Check" and reduce speed to 150kts. Call for Flaps 25 and reduce to 140 kts and the Flaps 30 and reduce to135 kts which is the approach speed (Vref +5). Cross FAF, commence descent,start timing. CP will call "100 above" and "minimums".
Overshoot Call "go around, Flaps 15".Advance throttles to approx 1.9 EPR and set 15 degrees nose up. CP "positiverate" P "gear up". Through 700’ AGL lower the nose to 10 degrees and retractflaps on schedule. "Flaps 5" at 170 kts and "Flaps 1, After Take-off Check"at 190 kts. Maintain 200 kts with Flaps 1 set and level off at missed app altitude(3000’ .
Vectored ILS Maintain 200 kts with Flaps1 set during downwind. When given the turn for base leg call "Flaps 5" and slowto 170 kts. Once established on the localizer and GP comes alive call "geardown, Flaps 15, Landing Check". Reduce to 150 kts. Upon intercepting the GPcall for "Flaps 25" and then "Flaps 30" and reduce to 135 kts.

At 50’ over the thresholdreduce power to idle and raise the nose slightly. Use reverse and then brakesto stop. The CP may select reverse for you.

Handling Notes
- Rule of Thumb: FF= speedie: 2500 pph = 250 kts clean below 10000’
- 737 turns on a dime - don’t lead roll out too early
- Altitudes sneak up on you fast - lead them more to avoid blowing through
- Use the electric trim on the control column. It causes the trim wheel to rotateand makes a hell of a noise but that’s normal. The sim will trim out nicely.
- Power drastically effects attitude ie: power off - nose drops, power on -nose rises. This is helpful on the overshoot but when landing remember not tolet the nose fall when power goes to idle.
- Don’t get a speeding ticket - remember speed limitations.
- Rudder is not required except for take-off and landing.
- There are no emergencies given.
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