Day 1
Meet with sim instructor. He briefly goes through logbooks and asks what type of flying you've done, where you did your training went to college etc. All stuff they would know if they actually read that application you worked so hard on. Then he briefs you on the CRJ sim. He'll tell you exactly what he's going to have you do. Gives you pitch and power settings to use. He asked us if we wanted to use ATL or TLH. In the sim (from the right seat, raw data) you T/O rwy hdg, climb to 5000' and accelerate to 250kts. Level off. Climb to 8000'. Do some turns, 25 and 30 degrees of bank. Constant speed decent. Proceed direct to a VOR and track outbound on a radial. Enter a hold (I wasn't given the hold for some reason but everyone else did??). Vectors for an ILS down to lndg. WX is 600' and 2sm with a 10kt crosswind.
Later that night they have you call a phone number to see if you can come back for the second day. We had 5 guys. 3 furloughed (or soon to be) regional pilots, 1 citation pilot, and 1 GA sales guy. 4 out of 5 of us made it to day 2, the sales guy said he had trouble with the sim
Day 2
Fingerprints and drug test.
Then it's written test and one on one with a captain.
The written is a 30 question multiple choice. From what I remember: What type of fog requires wind to form? What is always associated with frontal passage? What does "nimbus" mean? What altitudes (low, mid, high) would you find cirro---- clouds? Which gives you the worst performance: high / low temp, humidity, pressure? When does a plane make the worst wake turbulence: heavy, clean, slow etc? Appropriate alts above FL240? Holding entry? What do you do when you're getting close to your clearance limit? PAX O2 requirements? On an ILS, as your GS changes how does your VS need to change? On an ILS, if getting fast, what do you need to adjust pitch or power or both? Part 91 alternate mins for filing? What is balanced field length? What is V2? What is V1? How does CG affect Vmc? Lost comm. procedures? What is min vectoring altitude? When is DME required? What equip is required in class B? Holding speeds? What kind of NOTAMs are regulatory in nature?
My one on one interview was pretty short. What do I dislike about 121 regional flying? Would I fly for a career if it was always going to be low pay? What was the hardest flight training I've done? Would I be bringing any negativity from being furloughed to ASA? He had me pick a system from the CRJ (my current plane). He asked pretty straight forward questions about it. Another guy who's last airplane he wasn't familiar with didn't get asked any systems questions. How did I get into flying? Then he took out the ATL jepps. The class B chart: speed limits above 10,000' but still in the class B? in the class B below 10,000' and under the class B? Rwy lengths and widths? Apt elev? ARP? MSA? ILS FAF? Lose GS on ILS, what do you do? RVR stuff and t/o mins? Some stuff others said they got asked: How did you prepare for the interview? Low and high chart stuff? Strengths and weaknesses?