Crazy stuff! Was supposed to go
for the interview on August the 28th, but on Sunday he 22nd I was ask to
get to LGA on Wednesday the 24th. Got the
ticket tuesday the 23rd, I am in LGA that night. Got to get a hotel room
(100 bucks out of my pocket!). Wednesday morning I start at 8:15 (interview
was supposed to start at 9, but the Colgan people were already there). Got
a speech from Mr. Colgan about the company, the took the 50 question test.
Study the ATP Gleim and you'll do fine. Focus on 91, 121 regs (skip 135).
Question about aerodynamics, weather, IFR procedure. On the Gleim you can
skip the questions that refer to figures. Then interview with Mr. Colgan,
Ms. D'Angelo, and Britteny, a flight attendant helping with HR stuff (she's
very nice). Typical questions, "why Colgan", "most challenging
situation you have been in", "how do you rate yourself as a pilot", "how
would you deal a given situation with your captain", "where do
you see yourself 5, 10 years from now". I was sent for the drug test
before I got to LGA so I didn't have to do it there. Then off for the SIM
ride: they give you all the info as far as power setting, speeds, when to
put flaps etc. I did a take off, was given few vectors, then intercept few
radials, holding pattern instruction. Got the entry right so I was given
vector for ILS 22 at LGA. I was vectored at 3000, stayed at 3000 until glide
slope intercept (you have the option to descend to 1900 once established),
and broke out at anout 300'. Got my fingerprints, and at noon I was done
and was approach by Mr. Colgan offering an FO position in the 1900! I very
excited to start training the 5th. Thanks to all the posted previous reviews,
they help a lot. Good luck to all, and see you on the line.