Written Questions (45 multiple
1. What items must a PIC
of an air carrier carry with him? Load manifest, dispatch release,
flight plan.
2. Asked to decipher a simple
3. Definition of a crewmember.
4. Air Carrier proficiency
checks done how often? 12 months
5. PIC has emer authority
to exclude anyone from a flight.
6. What fact decides minimum
# of fire extinguishers? # pax seats
7. Pilot leaves his seat
at 35K what must the other pilot do? Don and use oxygen
8. What cabin altitude must
all pax have oxygen supplied? 15K
9. TCAS II provides? Traffic and resolution advisories
10. Criteria for critical
engine? Center of thrust closest to fuselage
11. Define load factor. Lift divided by weight
12. What are the characteristics
of an aft CG?
13. Visual reference is
lost on a circling approach, what do you do?
14. At the holding fix (not
the IAF) you go lost comm when do you descend?
15. What does “min fuel” mean?
16. Where do you land following
a heavy jet to avoid wake turbulence? Beyond its touchdown
spot or 1000 beyond the touchdown spot? Beyond
17. Where is the most hazardous
zone for thunderstorm windshear? All sides and underneath.
18. Wind shear occurs?
With a wind shift or windspeed gradient at any level of the atmosphere
or around thunderstorms & temp
19. Given a TAF with no
wind in the forecast, this means? <6kts or calm and variable?
Calm and variable
20. What is the min altitude
for IFR?
21. How long is a temporary
medical good for? 60 days
22. “radar contact” means?
23. How do you determine “outbound” in a NDB hold?
24. Define MEA.
25. What type of wind is
most dangerous landing behind a heavy jet? Light qtring tailwind
26. What are the PIC mins
when the PIC has less that 100 hrs in type? Add 100-1/2
27. What is considered rwy
environment when landing in minimums weather?
28. Which type of icing
is most dangerous?
29. What is the definition
of hydroplaning?
Dornier Questions
1. How many fire bottles
per engine? 2
2. Fire button pushed what
happens, what is shutoff?
3. Is there a smoke detector
in the cargo bay (class “D” cargo bay) ? No
4. What happens when the
fire squib is pressed when the dischage light is lit? Nothing
5. If there is a break in
the fire detection loop, will the fire light illuminate?
Describe your aviation career.
Scenario: Captain is seen
by van driver drinking late the evening prior to flight... what do you
Give me an example of a
pilot you respect the most and why.
Picture yourself with this
company in 5 years where do you see yourself?
Have you interviewed elsewhere?
Why did you join the miltary?
Describe the worst individual
you have ever flown with and why... how did you handle it?
Describe a conflict you
had in the cockpit and how you went about handling it.
Scenario: Captain wants
to fly an aircraft that is slightly overweight limits... what do you do?
What was your worst situatio
ever in an aircraft... what was your best?
What traits do you think
set you apart from the other applicants... why should we choose you over
Scenario: Senior captain
doesnt want your help with the checklists... what do you do?
How did you prepare for
this interview?
Do you know anyone who works
for PSA?
Why did or are you planning
to leave your past employer?
2 questions on standard
rate turns...ie your flying on a heading of 230 how long at std rate will
take to turn to 320.
What is the service volume
of a low VOR at 18,000feet?
In a constant rate climbing
turn what is your primary pitch instrument?
Is there anything else you
would like us to consider in our decision process?
What does crew resource
management mean to you?
Tell me about the systems
in the aircraft you are currently flying...power plant, hydraulics, fuel