The interview started with an introduction session where they provided you info on the company and ansewerd any questions.Then you complete a 50 question multiple choice test. Questions came straight from the ATP. Study Aerodynamics, FAR's, Operations, and Meterology. There are 2 questions based on a metar, and 4 questions based on an Jeppesen approach plate for example, what is the lowest altitude you can be at before you reach the FAF? and what is the distance between FAF and the MAP? Do not study any performance calculation or any questions that refrence figures. Go over your Jeppesen plates well it will help you in the personal interview and on the test.
After the test, they conduct one on one personal interviews. Study the material they e-mail you, that is where the technical questions in the interview come from. The other questions are standard personal interview questions.
Get there early. No SIM
They are fair.and they are looking for FO's. who want to FLY. Be relaxed and study and you will do fine. They will tell you before you leave if you got the job.
Good Luck!!!